5th October 2024

Search Shearsby Parish Council

Shearsby Parish Council Protecting, Connecting, Involving and Representing Shearsby

Emergency Plan

Shearsby Emergency Plan

Emergency Planning good practice guides and information.

Shearsby Parish Council has developed an Emergency Plan for use in dire emergencies.

This was reviewed in June 2022.

Remember in an emergency dial 999.

The full plan is held by the First Responders & Parish Clerk, who at this time are your local Councillors. Please ring them after you have dialled 999 first and they will coordinate any other help that may be required.

A hard copy is held in case of emergency in the Village Hall filing cabinet

The Emergency Plan has finalised a review in June 2022.

  • Minutes, Plan Review Meeting, 2020 01 09 (PDF, 108 Kb)

    Minutes of meeting to review and monitor the Neighbourhood Development Plan, the Five Year Plan and the Emergency Plan, held on 9th January 2020 at 7.15pm, White Gates, The Bank.

Can You Help?

Can You Help?

Do you have the skills and knowledge to help in an Emergency?

Have you been first aid trained? Ever been a reserve Firemen? Have you served with the Police, or as a Security person? Perhaps been in the Armed Forces? Do you have professional skills with Water, Gas or Electric?

Do you have the kit, training or facilities that would help in an emergency?

Do you have a 4 x 4 vehicle? A tractor? Are you trained to use a chain saw? Do you have a spare room to house people overnight in an emergency? Would you help with catering?

If the answer is yes, and if you would wish to help the people of Shearsby in an emergency, then please register your details with the Clerk and we will add you to our list.

Remember: The Emergency Services would be in charge and you would only be used to assist them if they asked for help.


For an Emergency Plan to be successful the village should have Flood Wardens and Snow Wardens.

The role is about coordinating and reporting with the Leicester Resilience Team and Shearsby Council and its First Responders.

Currently we have Cllr's Andy Sharp & Jon Gunnell volunteering to be Flood & Snow Wardens.

Cllr Rachael Burton as Tree Warden

Also, the salt / grit spreaders are Keith Beeson, Mem Izzet and Martin Littlejones,

We would value having more people prepared to help in the event of flooding or snow.

If you are willing to get involved please contact the Clerk and register your interest. Training and / or a meeting may be required.

Last updated: Thu, 07 Jul 2022 12:55